
Laura A. Jacobs, psychotherapist, psychotherapy, therapy, public speaker, public speaking, writing, activist, LGBTQ, transgender, transsexual, transexual, genderqueer, gender nonconforming, gay, lesbian, BDSM, kink, gender, sexuality, HIV, AIDS, polyamory, poly, counseling, bereavement, grief


Sexwork is work.  

Anyone who thinks sex work is easy money has no idea just how complex and contradictory that job can be.
— Lola Davina, Thriving in Sex Work

Sexwork is far more nuanced than an exchange of money for sex, and both sexworkers and their clients may experience rejection by families, harassment by law enforcement, and discrimination from society.  But individuals engaged in the buying or selling of sexual services are still people, and face both professional and personal challenges much like everyone else. 


Whatever the legal or moral climate, those involved deserve skilled, respectful mental health care. I am happy to offer sexworkers and their clients a compassionate, informed, private, and nonjudgmental setting in which to address issues of both career and life.  

People think sex work is about selling sex. Its not. Its about emotion, escapism, experience, connection and honesty.
— Whoretographer