Upcoming Presentations, Workshops, and Media

Laura A. Jacobs, psychotherapist, psychotherapy, therapy, public speaker, public speaking, writing, activist, LGBTQ, transgender, transsexual, transexual, genderqueer, gender nonconforming, gay, lesbian, BDSM, kink, gender, sexuality, HIV, AIDS, polyamory, poly, counseling, bereavement, grief

Presentations, Workshops, Writing, and Media

Leap into the boundless and make it your home.
— Chuang Tzu

Upcoming Presentations, Workshops, and Media



I welcome opportunities for presentations, writing, or media interviews on any of the topics listed on my website.

Upcoming Presentations:

March 5-9, 2020: The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, Orlando, FL

March 22, 2020: TedX at Binghamton University